The only reason the end hasn't come already is because Jehovah is lovingly extending it so that everyone gets a chance to hear the truth.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Famous last words spoken by every jdub at one time or another
by nowwhat? in"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
Pete Zahut
My old congregation Auckland New Zealand
by karter inin 1991 we build a 250 seat hall and had 125 publishers so about 175 in attendance and filing fast.. just spoke to someone from my old congregation they now have 50 to 60 publishers and 100 in attendance on a good day.. very few pioneers.. seems this is happening everywhere.. karter..
Pete Zahut
Because of the world wide reporting that takes place on this forum and our lack of fear to reveal unpleasant truths, we are seeing the whole scope of what's going on, whereas individual JW's tend to see the sale of the Kingdom Hall they attend, as is an isolated incident.
I think if they reversed the shunning policy or changed their stance on blood, it would be the final straw or the tipping point for a lot of long time JW's in terms of waking up to the fact that the whole thing is a made up hoax.
KH hall 4 sale just whose waters are supposed to be drying up again?!
by nowwhat? inavon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
Pete Zahut
When a commercial airliner goes down, one of the first things the airline does at the crash scene is to paint out their name and logo on the side of the plane so the public won't associate them,with a crash.
You'd think for P.R reasons, the JW's would have at least taken their name off the sign in front of the Kingdom Hall before the For Sale sign went up. Visually, it gives the idea that they've failed and are going out of business. Not that I care, but the public tends to distance itself from the stink of failure.
Song: The Life Of A Pioneer
by pale.emperor init struck me today how the lyrics to kingdom song 81 "the life of a pioneer" sound almost like a slave song from a plantation or something.
what's also sad is, if you read, you'll notice that they sound not only like slaves, but slaves that are admittedly tired and worn out yet grateful to serve their governing body overseers master to prove their devotion to him.. very sad indeed..
at the start of the day, with the sun yet to rise,.
Pete Zahut
A song that is sure to bring out the martyr in all who sing it and an added sense of virtuousness because of what they must endure.
You Know You're Starting To Wake Up When...
by pale.emperor inyou start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
Pete Zahut
When you don't even bother to fill in the answers on the written review anymore.
When you, as a non drinker, have to duck out to your car for a quick nip of wine or beer just to calm the anxiety that attending the meeting induces. ( I had to do this toward the end of my JW days )
When you stop turning in time even though you have time to turn in.
When you ask to reschedule talks you've been assigned in the ministry school so much that they stop giving you assignments.
When you're attending an assembly in a stadium and instead of it being encouraging, it feels like you're having an out of body experience.
Nephew’s JW Fiancée Begins Conversion to Judaism Due to Passover Date
by Rabbi Midge init’s been a while since i posted, but for those who remember, i came on here to get some information about jehovah’s witnesses because i have a nephew who was getting engaged to a girl who was a jehovah’s witness and, along with some other sites, i was recommended this one.. since then we’ve been busy with passover and jehovah’s witnesses have had something they call the memorial of christ’s death (i believe i have that right).
this clashing of the two observances apparently did more for this girl than anything else i ever saw in our months of conversations with her.. respectfully, jews do not proselytize.
these are people who, of their own desire, “join the tribe” after some years of study and practice--something this girl has just begun to do.
Pete Zahut
This is a very interesting post and I'm so glad you've taken the time to lay out your views so well. Thank you !
It seems to me that main point of the Memorial is about the sacrifice Jesus made. The fact that it is still being remembered all of these centuries later is amazing in itself. I'm guessing that whether or not it is celebrated at the exact same moment each year, isn't all that important to Jesus. (if he actually exists)
The big issue to me is that the Jehovah's Witnesses teachings can be so off and so wrong yet I went along with them because as a kid, I somehow bought into the concept that the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses were being directly led by God himself (as if such a thing could was even provable).
As your Nephews fiance' found out, it is quite devastating and panic inducing when you discover that the belief system you've based your identity as a person upon, is flawed and is only one factoid away from crumbling like a house of cards. I'm guessing she like many of us, knew on some level that there was something that didn't add up about our beliefs. This could partially explain why she was able to adjust so quickly.
49th Anniversary of my PAROLE from Federal prison
by TerryWalstrom intoday is the 49th anniversaryof my parole from federal prison.
in french, "parole" means 'word of honor'.in effect, a prisoner promises the authorities they will be honorable.. in 1967, i violated the u.s. military training and service act.about 25,000 draft age americans simply ran away to canada.i did not run.
i stayed and gave my 'witness.".
Pete Zahut
Toward the end of the Vietnam war, my JW brother in law was drafted and given a 2 year sentence (1972-1974) doing community service as a boys basketball coach 2 nights a week at the local Boy's Club which he thoroughly enjoyed. (Ironically, us Witness kids weren't allowed to join the Boy's Club)
It's also more than ironic that you as a JW spent 2 years in Federal Prison and he stayed home, kept his job, got married and played basketball and was considered by his peers, to be "taking a stand for true worship".
Wasn't Jehovah's spirit directed organization supposed to be globally unified? Apparently the definition of "taking ones stand for true worship" depended upon where you lived and if your father was an Elder.
All these years later, none of it matters and no one even remembers. To current JW's, none of the good works you did in the past, count anymore. It's quite sickening to think of the years and opportunities wasted because of being a JW. I can't imagine having a stint in Federal Prison to add to the list.
Sorry this happen to you....glad you're were able to chronicle your experiences on this forum and in your other writings.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Pete Zahut
Someone suggested that the unleavened bread at the memorial should be gluten free in case any of the partakers are gluten intolerant.
JWs on campus
by Sarabethy init's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Pete Zahut
This is a link to other discussions about the Watchtowers stance on Higher Education where you might be able to obtain printable information to show the Dean.
It may be helpful if you are able to demonstrate to him or her that the Watchtower organization tends to "bash" institutions of higher education and even go so far as to punish their elders if they have young ones living in their household who are attending University. Public Surveys reveal that JW's have low education levels compared to other religions.